In a precarious financial state, Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer, faces the precipice of ruin. Her circumstances take a surprising turn when she seizes the opportunity of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, the spouse of the acclaimed author Verity Crawford, extends a remarkable job proposition to Lowen. The task entails finalizing the remaining volumes of a highly successful series that Verity, incapacitated due to an injury, is unable to complete.
Arriving at the Crawford residence with a sense of purpose, Lowen anticipates sifting through Verity’s years’ worth of notes and outlines, with the hope of extracting sufficient material to commence her work. What catches Lowen off guard in the midst of the cluttered workspace is an incomplete autobiography, a manuscript that Verity never intended for anyone’s eyes. Within its pages lie chilling confessions, including Verity’s own account of the events surrounding her daughter’s tragic passing.
Lowen makes the decision to shield Jeremy from the manuscript, recognizing that its revelations would shatter the grieving husband even further. However, as her feelings for Jeremy deepen, she contemplates the potential benefits of him reading his wife’s unfiltered words. Despite Jeremy’s unwavering devotion to Verity, the horrific truth contained within the manuscript could irreversibly alter his love for her.