To Me, the One Who Loved You” is a captivating science fiction romance novel by Yomoji Otono, following the story of Koyomi Hidaka and Shiori Satō, two young individuals who fall in love with each other but are separated by their parents’ remarriage. In a world where travel between slightly different alternate universes is commonplace, Koyomi and Shiori decide to elope to a parallel world where they are not stepsiblings, in order to be .The novel explores the depths of their love and the challenges they face in a world that constantly shifts around them. With a unique blend of science fiction and romance, Otono masterfully crafts a story that delves into the complexities of love, identity, and the multiverse. The novel is a poignant exploration of the lengths people will go to for love, even in the face of adversity.As a light novel, “To Me, the One Who Loved You” is a captivating and engaging read, with a rich narrative and vividly drawn characters that will transport readers to a world beyond their own. It is a must-read for fans of science fiction and romance alike, offering a fresh and unique take on both genres.
To Me, The One Who Loved You by Yomoji Otono
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