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The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking


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The first significant work in nearly ten years by one of the world’s great thinkers is a wonderfully concise book that offers fresh insights into life’s ultimate questions. When and how did the universe begin? Why do we exist? What is the reason for something rather than nothing? What is the true nature of reality? Why do the laws of nature appear to be finely tuned to permit the existence of beings like us? And finally, does the apparent “grand design” of our universe suggest a benevolent creator who set it all in motion, or is there another scientific explanation?

In the past, these profound questions about the universe’s origins and life itself belonged mainly to philosophy. However, now they lie in the intersection of scientific, philosophical, and theological discussions, even if they often lead to disagreements. Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s new book presents the latest scientific thinking about the universe’s mysteries in a language accessible to all, showcasing their brilliance and simplicity.

In “The Grand Design,” the authors delve into quantum theory, proposing that the cosmos doesn’t possess just a single existence or history. Instead, every conceivable history of the universe exists simultaneously. This idea challenges the traditional notion of cause and effect when applied to the entire universe. The authors argue that the lack of a definite past implies that we shape history through our observations, rather than history determining our existence. Additionally, they propose that we are the result of quantum fluctuations in the early universe and introduce the concept of the “multiverse,” suggesting that our universe is just one of many that spontaneously emerged from nothing, each governed by distinct laws of nature.

Throughout the book, Hawking and Mlodinow question the conventional concept of reality and present a “model-dependent” theory of reality as the best approach we can adopt. They conclude with a captivating assessment of M-theory, the only viable candidate for a complete “theory of everything” that governs us and our universe. If confirmed, it would fulfill Einstein’s quest for a unified theory and represent the ultimate triumph of human reason.

“The Grand Design” is a concise, eye-opening, and beautifully illustrated guide to groundbreaking discoveries that challenge our understanding and even threaten some of our most deeply held beliefs. This book is sure to inform and provoke readers like no other.

Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 3 cm

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