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Surrounded by Narcissists – Thomas Erikson


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Do you find yourself overshadowed by narcissists in your life? Are you exhausted from constantly dealing with their insatiable need for attention, their unwavering belief in their own infallibility (even when they are clearly wrong), their determination to act without considering the consequences, and their puzzling desire to control everything and everyone around them?

In this eye-opening and sanity-preserving book, Thomas Erikson delves into the inner workings of narcissists, offering valuable insights on how to handle them without draining your own energy. Building on the behavioral model popularized in “Surrounded by Idiots,” Erikson equips you with the essential tools to not only manage the narcissists around you but also navigate everyday instances of narcissism, which has become more prevalent in the age of social media. Engaging and highly practical, “Surrounded by Narcissists” empowers you to break free from the grip of narcissistic agendas, enabling you to pursue a happier, more fulfilling, and successful life.

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 5 cm

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