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Narnia Set – C.S. Lewis


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Ventures to the farthest corners of the earth, fantastical creatures adorning the landscape, and grand clashes between forces of righteousness and malevolence—what more could a reader yearn for within the pages of a single book? All these elements converge within “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” penned by Clive Staples Lewis in 1949. Yet, Lewis’s literary endeavors extended far beyond this milestone. An additional sextet of volumes ensued, collectively christened as “The Chronicles of Narnia.”

Over the last five decades, “The Chronicles of Narnia” have transcended their initial fantasy realm to firmly establish themselves as integral constituents of the literary canon. Each of the seven books stands as a masterpiece in its own right, transporting the reader to an alternate realm where the realm of magic interlaces with the fabric of reality. The outcome is a fictional universe of sweeping magnitude that has beguiled and fascinated successive generations.

This particular edition introduces all seven volumes, unabridged and unified within a single, striking compilation. Arranged in chronological sequence, each chapter is graced with an illustration crafted by the original artist, Pauline Baynes. Beneath their seemingly straightforward and direct narrative lies the enduring appeal of “The Chronicles of Narnia,” capturing the imagination of readers young and old with its escapades, characters, and profound truths that resound across ages. Remarkably, even half a century following their inaugural publication, these tales retain their timeless allure.

Weight 0.9 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 3 cm
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