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Deviant King (Royal Elite Book 1) – Rina Kent


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“The ruler wasn’t meant to be the king.

I’ve got a straightforward scheme.
Complete my time at Royal Elite School and secure a spot at my ideal university.

But a single look from the school’s dominant figure shatters my plan entirely.
With just one gaze, he steals my breath.
With just one gaze, he pronounces my death sentence.

His initial words send my life spiraling into an irreversible state of chaos.
“I will ruin you.”

Every facet of Aiden King is immersed in darkness.
A mind consumed by darkness.
A heart enshrouded in darkness.
A soul tainted by darkness.

I should have stayed silent, enduring the remaining days I had.
But I didn’t.

I committed the unforgivable error of provoking the king who sits upon his throne.
The demon ruling his inferno.

And now, I’ll face the consequences.

Eliciting hatred from Aiden King is perilous.
Yet, being desired by him is deadly.

Deviant King is the inaugural installment of the Royal Elite Series. This narrative delves into a shadowy high school bullying romance, mature new adult themes, and includes ambiguous situations that may be offensive to some readers. Aiden is far from the conventional romantic hero. In truth, he is no hero whatsoever. Hence, if any of this troubles you, I recommend refraining from reading.

Royal Elite Series:
#1 Deviant King
#2 Steel Princess
#3 Twisted Kingdom

This book is the first part of a trilogy and does NOT stand alone.
The complete trilogy is readily accessible.”

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