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Cruel King (Special Edition) by Rina Kent


Availability: 8 in stock

The text suggests that we should steer clear of s*xual immorality. It emphasizes that all other sins committed by a person take place outside the body, whereas the s*xually immoral person’s transgressions affect their own body.

Society teaches us that these thoughts and actions are unethical. However, the darker aspect that resides within each of us, the true essence of humanity, compels us to seek the deep-seated need that burns within, relentlessly demanding liberation. In the depths of our being lies an inherent craving, one that seems to be beyond our control, an innate behavior.

This craving cries out for sins they warn us are damning.

Aero is the voice through which I release this inner turmoil.

The concealed aspects of myself that I wish to keep hidden from the world are all he perceives when he looks at me from behind yet another mask.

He is the force that pushes me further into my hidden desires.

He may never relent, not until I confront my own truths or crumble beneath the relentless weight of his grip.

Because, in his eyes, the life I’ve been leading is a torment worse than death.

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 5 cm

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